Managed Servers

  • Monitoring & Rebooting
  • Monitoring & Rebooting

  • When you are way too busy working on your sites or developing your web applications, you hardly have enough time to keep an eye on what is happening with your VPS – if it’s under stress or if all the tasks are running the way they should. With our Managed Servers solution, we’ll do this for you. Your Virtual Private Server will be included in a custom–developed monitoring software system and whenever there is a sign of a problem, our server admins will be notified instantly.

  • Backup Space (50 GB)
  • Weekly Backups

  • Making a backup of a VPS Web Hosting Plan is not the easiest job in this world. You will either need to use a different server or your PC, or, alternatively arrange some third–party solution. We offer a considerably simpler solution with our Managed Servers package. We’ll create a full backup copy of your VPS server every week, so you never need to be worried about losing important info. And we can retrieve a backup very quickly. All backups we make are stored on a special server with a RAID hard drive array, so if anything happens to any part of your stored web content, we’ve got you covered.

  • Installation & Troubleshooting
  • Installation & Troubleshooting

  • While a Virtual Private Server provides you with a virtually endless number of possibilities, you will often need to install additional software apps. And that is where our Installation & Troubleshooting service can come in real handy. It’s an integral part of our Managed Servers deal, which enables you to call for any of our professional technical support engineers to install and configure any software app and to resolve any problem that you’re having with your VPS server.

    Our Managed Servers deal comes bundled with the majority of our OpenVZ VPS Web Hosting Plans. It is an optional feature with our KVM VPS Web Hosting Plans.

Available with all VPS Servers