Apart from hosting resource-demanding websites, there is one more reason to obtain a virtual or a dedicated server of your own - to launch your web hosting company. This is an ever expanding business, due to the fact that a growing number of people and businesses start their web presence, so that they need website hosting space and a domain name. If you have a server, you'll be able to generate hosting offers and sell them, so you can not only cover your own expenses if you host your own sites on the server as well, but you may also make a very good profit by running a flourishing business. What you need for that is a server, payment software, that will be the connection between the reseller website and your web space, and a business account with a payment processor for instance PayPal or 2CheckOut, in order to be able to receive web payments. The benefit from reselling server space over the usage of an ordinary reseller program is that your clients will have considerably more system resources and you are able to install the server-side software that their sites may need to operate properly. The latter isn't possible with a shared web hosting reseller program, as you will have certain limitations in this regard.

Reselling Options in VPS Servers

You can start a web hosting reseller business with all of the Linux VPS servers that we supply. To do this, you can select two of the three hosting Control Panels that we supply, cPanel or DirectAdmin, as they both have a client and a reseller level. Thus, you can create website hosting plans without difficulty. In case you choose cPanel, we'll give you a number of absolutely free bonuses too - a domain name reseller account with one of the most popular registrars out there, eNom.com, which excludes the deposit that's otherwise necessary if you open an account with them directly, and a billing and support application called ClientExec, which will allow you to keep track of invoices and payments and to supply support to your customers. What's more, you will have full root access to the server, so you are able to install anything that you or your clients may need. When you use our VPS packages, you are able to launch your own reseller company without any difficulty in no time.

Reselling Options in Dedicated Servers

The dedicated server plans that we offer will help you launch your own website hosting company fast and easy. They feature a lot of processing power, physical memory and disk space to support a very large number of clients, no matter the kind of Internet sites they run. You will also have root access to the server, which means that you can add any server-side app. Our plans feature 3 different website hosting Control Panels and two of them - cPanel and DirectAdmin, are suitable for your new web hosting business, since they have two different levels - client and reseller. If you buy the server with cPanel, we will also give you a domain name reseller account along with a billing/support solution named ClientExec as a gift, so that you will be totally independent and you'll have full control over what's going on with the server and with the customers' sites. If you wish to use a different approach, however, DirectAdmin will enable you to have resellers of your own who can take care of finding the end customers, while they pay for the reseller plan.