Extensive Online Documentation in Shared Website Hosting
If you get a shared website hosting account from us, you’ll acquire access to our comprehensive online documentation where you will find information on de facto everything related to our hosting packages. The topics encompass anything from how to create an email account on your cellular phone, to how to accomplish various things using an .htaccess file. The articles themselves are written in an easy-to-grasp fashion and offer in-depth guidelines on how to complete a particular task within your Hepsia hosting Control Panel. You can also find information that’s not related directly to Hepsia, for instance one that concerns Internet apps on your desktop computer. The entire list of articles will be available in the Control Panel’s Help section, but those that are related to a specific section can be accessed on the spot. Considering the fact that we have included as many topics as possible, you’ll be able to learn more or less everything associated with your web hosting account.
Extensive Online Documentation in Semi-dedicated Servers
Our Linux semi-dedicated hosting plans feature elaborate online help documentation where you will find information on all the functions that our in-house built Hepsia Control Panel offers, plus solutions to different questions and complications that you could come across. All user guides offer comprehensive specifications, which suggests that you won’t have to worry about overlooking something if you wish to export a database, for example. The troubleshooting articles cover a variety of likely causes of certain problems and the solution for each and every one of them, so if you aren’t able to send emails even though you have the correct settings, for example, you can quickly see what the reason may be and rectify the problem with two or three mouse clicks in your email client. As the Hepsia Control Panel offers quite a few features, you’ll be able to find applicable articles in each and every section. If you wish to look through all help articles, click on the Help link, which is located in the upper right-hand side of the window.